Why Health Goals are Overrated

Why Health Goals are Overrated

Chiropractor Torrance CA Why Health Goals Are Overrated

The other day I took the afternoon off work to see my son, Jonathan, get sworn into office as a prosecutor for the District Attorney in West Palm Beach.

Jonathan recently moved from California to join our family, so it was a special moment for us all.

It was interesting to note what they emphasized to the half dozen or so new prosecutors when they were in the process of being sworn in.

They essentially were saying that the goal of the prosecutor is not to win every case but to do their best to display all the facts and let justice prevail.

Jonathan has helped me coach his younger brothers in flag football over the past 10 years and one of the values we have always championed to the team is 'it's not winning that is the most important thing, but always giving it 110% effort'.

This proclamation rings true not only in your place of work or if you are involved in competitive sports but also when it comes to your health.

Good health is not something to be achieved by a certain date, but more of a daily process of good choices.

This reality needs to be understood and considered whenever you set a health goal.

Often, I have seen patients trying to attain to a certain level of health such as getting out of pain or trying to lose 30 lbs. by a certain date and if they don't achieve that objective they get discouraged or worse yet, they throw their hands in the air and say, "What's the use. I quit."

That is a fatal mistake.

If you want to experience optimal health you MUST realize, understand, and fully commit to the conclusion that extraordinary health is gained by an unrelenting pursuit of making daily wise choices.

You must also tap into the practicality that you are only human and are going to splurge on a dessert or eat something you weren't supposed to or you might even catch yourself in a rut and indulge in a series of poor choices over a span of time.

When you fall off the wagon at times like this, don't loll about with a victim mentality. Simply get back on the right track again.

Winston Churchill once said, "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Have a GREAT weekend!

Dr. Derek 'Never, never, never give up!' Taylor

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PS - If you or someone you know has been struggling with knee pain that is preventing you from doing the things you love, then you won't want to miss out on our FREE Dinner Workshop "How to Eliminate Your Knee Pain without the use of drugs, injections or surgery." on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, at 6:30 pm at the Palm Beach Gardens Tennis Center. Josephs Classic Market will be catering a Gluten-Free Classic Italian Style Lasagna, Pepper Steak, Rice Pilaf and more. RSVP by replying to this e-mail or call the office at (561) 867-1020 to reserve your seat.