ReBuilder Therapy

Chiropractic Torrance CA Happy Lady

Our Torrance chiropractors and Palm Beach Gardens chiropractors now offers ReBuilder Thearpy. ReBuilders® built-in microprocessor automatically measures several physiological functions of the nerves. This microprocessor automatically adjusts itself to the patient's specific therapeutic needs - beginning with its first healing signal. For instance, when treating the lower extremities, this signal travels automatically from one foot, up the leg and across the nerve roots in the lower back, then down the other leg to the other foot.

Rebuilder Therapy

ReBuilders® signals instantly produce a gentle buzzing feeling. These tingling impulses then reverse direction and go from one foot all the way back to the other. Additionally, these impulses treat all of the nerves from the lumbar area down to the feet.

ReBuilders® built-in microprocessor automatically measures several physiological nerve functions. It automatically adjusts itself to the patient's specific needs. Healing immediately begins with the first signal - treating nerve pain and painful neuropathy symptoms.

Working on the 7.83 Hz Schumann resonances (the natural pulse wave of the Earth), the ReBuilder has a more powerful electrical impulse than that of the human body. Additionally, using this waveform, the ReBuilder repolarizes and reeducates the nerves to follow the correct paths. It enables nerve impulses to jump synaptic junctions, reconnecting injured nerves and delivers minerals and nutrients that help to revitalize nerves. Treatments with ReBuilder® promote new nerve growth and also restores blood circulation. Feeling to the patient's extremities returns and a notable reduction of neuropathic pain occurs or it completely disappears. Often ReBuilder® reverses nerve pain and chronic pain symptoms and it restores nerves to their normal state allowing them to fully function on their own reducing the need for medication.

ReBuilder® Works on Three Separate, but Simultaneous Levels to Immediately Begin Treating Nerve Pain & Painful Neuropathy Symptoms Electro Stimulation of Nerves Electro Stimulation of Muscles Combines Electro Stimulation at 7.83 Hz Stimulation of the Lymphatic System