The Science Behind EMF's
The has over 3,000 studies showing that everyday level EMF’s are having biological effects on people. Their studies include but are not limited to: sleep problems, fatigue issues, Immune System Imbalances, Alzheimer’s, Cancer studies, and many more 4. For Conclusions of over 1,800 studies, click: BioInitiative Conclusions. So we know that EMF’s are affecting us for darn sure! But how? Contact our Torrance chiropractors or Palm Beach Gardens chiropractors today to learn more or read on below.
In 2013 there was a breakthrough discovery in a study from Washington State University. It showed that EMF’s were causing a reaction which lead to Voltage Gated Calcium Channels, Nitric Oxide, free radicals, and DNA Damage. It was a breakthrough discovery helping us connect the dots as to exactly how EMF’s are affecting us, not just knowing that they are through cause-and-effects studies only. See chart to the below. And to read more about it click here.

This, other studies like it, and our own extensive research lead us to realize that we don’t have to address the EMF’s directly. We can address one of the dominos in the process (sort-of-speak). We found a way to remediate EMF’s by harmonizing the subatomic particles. SEE BELOW. This leads to amazing results like you can see in our many Testimonials, in the Blood Analysis study above 9, in the Acugraph Digital Imaging Tests 7, and more! Wow!

There are at 6 ways we have shown that our products work, such as:
- Blood Microscopy Testing (see images below)
- Mold Tests (see images below)
- Acugraph Tests (see graph below)
- Muscle Testing (see explanation below) (4)
- Avatar Testing
- Testimonials
EMF’s accelerating mold growth but not with our products! Two pieces of bread from the same loaf placed same distance from Wi-Fi. Bread on right has Appliance Harmonizer under it for EMF remediation and resulted in ZERO observable mold. 3 weeks later Bread on right had No observable mold still! Dr. Klinghardt says the same results can happen in our body!

How Our Product Works
Based on the 2013 breakthrough discovery in Washington State University’s study regarding Voltage Gated Calcium Channels, many other studies (some found at and theories of EMF Solutions’ own scientist(s) and inventors, we’ve come up with an awesome yet simple theory to explain the basics of not only how EMF’s damage DNA but also how our products remediate EMF’s.
The quick explanation of how our products work is this: EMF Solutions products organize or “harmonize” subatomic particles. We do this by using earth-based materials which are scientifically proven to harmonize this way.
EMF’s are basically traveling photons. Photons are the basic units of light and energy. Photons are quantum (super tiny) energy particles traveling at the speed of light in a wave form. In outer space (a vacuum) these photons travel at the speed of light basically unimpeded. But when traveling through our walls and through our atmosphere they run into and through a sea of random subatomic particles. These light speed forces are crashing into each other and helping to create what we call “Subatomic Chaos”, so much chaos that the EMF’s photons actually now often travel much slower than the speed of light, “c”. To remediate the EMF’s, our products simply and effectively address this Subatomic Chaos.
Here’s yet another experiment showing that our Products work so well when testing Organ Acupuncture Points:

AcuGraph Digital Imaging Experiment measured the Energetic Status (“Power” or “Chi”) of a person(s) after 2 minutes of strong EMF exposure. (*6&7)
AcuGraph Digital Imaging Experiment measured the Energetic Status (“Power” or “Chi”) of a person(s) after 2 minutes of strong EMF exposure. (*6&7)
The results were an average of 36% higher (better) results while using the EMF Patch versus not using the EMF Patch…yielding better P.I.E. Scores for each Test Subject as follows: {40 to 60}, {45 to 60}, and {42 to 52}. So according to the Acugraph Testing Equipment and manuals, the Test Subjects have a significant amount higher and more balanced energy levels at all 12 Organ & Glands. 6 7
Is WIFI and other EMF exposure dangerous or safe? There are still experiments saying both sides but you can take simple steps to minimize your risk greatly. Here are two videos to consider.
- Book: Paramagnetism-Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Force of Growth by Dr Phillip S. Callahan.
- This is based on Kinesiology Muscle Testing using equipment which charges the granite and other materials with EMF’s while testing each batch.
- Article “Soil Amendments – Rock Dusts” by John Ferguson found on Natures Way Resources web site.
- Dr Omura M.D., Sc.D. works with cancer patients and teaches BDORT testing at Columbia University. Dr Robert Marshall teaches a similar O-Ring Grip Kinesiology test through Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA). Our founder taught and trained practitioners in Quantum Reflex Analysis for years. This is the type of testing we do for all of our E.R.T. Materials. We charge the E.R.T. with EMF’s then perform the QRA O-Ring Grip Testing on each batch.
- The BioInitiative – Reports of 2007, 2012, and 2014. Over 1,800 studies and conclusions of the effects of EMF’s.
- DISCLAIMER FOR OUR ADVICE, PRODUCTS, AND SERVICES: We are not Medical Doctors. Our advice, products, or services ARE NOT meant to cure, fix, or prevent disease or any medical conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Insomnia, or any others. When we use the word “Protect” from effects of EMF’s we are referring to Energetic Status such as in our in-house study using the AcuGraph Digital Imaging System (see above). Our theories are just that…scientific theories which we are constantly in the process of providing proofs for. Our theories are based on our own research along with Reference 8 below and articles found throughout Reference 5 above.
- The AcuGraph Digital Imaging System study was an internal study using a qualified Acupuncturist who assisted us with the AcuGraph results and testing. Testing Info/Details: The AcuGraph Digital Imaging System is a computerized tool to document the energetic status (or “Chi”) of all 12 Acupuncture Meridians (see graphs). The P.I.E. Score (Personal Integrative Energetic Score) is the AcuGraph’s Computer-generated score which is a summary score of all 12 Organ & Gland Acupuncture Point Meridians into a single number. A higher score is better.
The AcuGraph measured each Subject’s Energetic Status (i.e. “Power” or “Chi”) immediately after EMF exposure while subjects were wearing the EMF Patch in the back right pants pocket, then while not wearing the EMF Patch. Acugraph Scores came immediately AFTER standing for 2 minutes at about 5 feet away from an EMF Emitter, a Smart Meter, which measured Microwaves up to 827 mW/m2 during the 2 minute time(s). - Study in 2013 at Washington State University by Dr Martin Pall as described in the article “Wireless Wakeup Call: A New Paradigm in EMF Science” at
- Blood Microscopy Testing was conducted by a Blood Microscopy professional in downtown San Diego in January 2017.
- Dr Klinghardt and others saying mold toxins go up by over 600 times when EMF’s are present…see
- “Polarization: A Key Difference between Man-made and Natural Electromagnetic Fields, in regard to Biological Activity” written by Nilima Shirodkar, Oct 13, 2015
Other References:
- Pub – Study “Magnetic-field-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the rat.” By University of Washington’s Dr Henry Lai and Dr Signh study in 1995
- Pub – Study “Magnetic-field-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the rat.” By University of Washington’s Dr Henry Lai and Dr Signh study in 1995
- Seattle PI Article “UW Scientist Henry Lai makes Waves in Cell Phone Industry” by Naomi Ishisaka in January 2011
- France National Library Press Release April 3, 2008 – Article “France National Library (BNF) is giving up Wi-Fi”
- ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) organization – 2011 ICNIRP Sci Review “Mobile Phones, Brain Tumors and the Interphone Study: Where are we now?”
- Article/Study: “Pineal Melatonin Level disruption in humans due to electromagnetic fields and ICNIRP limits.” In 2013
- “The results show the significance of disruption of melatonin due to exposure to weak EMFs, which may possibly lead to long-term health effects in humans.”
- Study in 2001 called the Frequency of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Symptoms Based on Distance to Cell Phone Base Station by La Presse Medicale
- Source taken from Julie Layton’s article called “How does the body make electricity and how does it use it?” on
- DNA Damage and repair – DNA Damage Response lecture in 2003 by Suman Bhattacharjee does state that Ionizing Radiation (a form of EMF exposure) can cause DNA damage which leads to either DNA Repair, Apoptosis (cell death), or Error Prone Repair (cell goes on working while DNA damage is still there).
- Penn State Study and Article “Scientists End 13 Year Debate Proving Non-Ionizing RF Microwave Effect Causes Cell Phone Radiation DNA Damage”
- Book “The Field” by Lynn McTaggart – describing the human Biofield from a scientific point of view of many scientific disciplines, different doctors and scientists, and from all around the world.