Happy Birthday, Dr. Hudson!

Last night my family and I watched a movie after dinner for my birthday called,"My All American."
I am not the type to comment on movies, but I would highly recommend it and could not help but think of my oldest son, Hudson, when I thought about the main character in the movie.
I do not want to spoil the movie for you so I won't talk about it, but I will give you some insight on my son as it is his birthday today.
Hudson was born while his mother and I were vacationing in Florida 7 weeks before he was 'supposed to be born.' He is not a stranger to adversity, as he spent the first three weeks of his life in the NICU ward of the hospital and was attached to several tubes and wires.
Hudson was 4 years old when his mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and he and his brothers moved out of our apartment in Lomita to live with his Nana & Papa.
Hudson was 7 years old when I re-married. When I told him Ali and I were getting married, he started to cry as he did not want to leave his Nana & Papa's house.
Hudson was always a very diligent student who consistently gave his best. One day, Ali and I took the kids out of school early for a surprise trip to Disneyland. Everyone was excited, except Hudson who was more concerned about missing school than having fun at the 'Happiest Place on Earth.'
Hudson was one of the youngest Little League umpires at age 14 to be awarded 'Umpire of the Year'.
Hudson entered L.A. Harbor College at age 14 and Chiropractic College at age 19. Being so young, I wasn't sure if he would be able to handle the demands and pressures of chiropractic school, but he ended up graduating at the top of his class and gave the commencement speech at his graduation as Salutatorian.
Hudson accepted the challenge of handling and running the office in Torrance, taking excellent care of both patients and staff. This week, he is sending the staff to Catalina Island for an overnight stay of rest and relaxation so they can better serve the patients in the upcoming weeks.
What can I attribute these characteristics to in Hudson?
First & foremost, he would say as well as myself, that all thanks, praise, and glory goes to the God he serves. We believe none of this would be remotely possible without God's blessing upon him.
Secondly, I would say that Hudson embodies Proverbs 14:23 "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." Whatever he does, he does it with all his heart. It is a great work ethic to have.
Thirdly, he really wants to make a difference in the lives of others. He LOVES it when patients get results!
Here is the takeaway: What you put into your health, you get out. The more you put in, the more you get out. Take the time to do something TODAY that will make you healthier TOMORROW.
Have a Terrific Tuesday!
Dr. Derek 'grateful dad' Taylor
PS- Do you or someone you know suffer with knee pain? Are you unable to enjoy the hobbies, activities or outdoors you once did prior to your knee pain? Would you like to finally get rid of your knee pain without the use of drugs, injections or surgery? If you answered, 'yes', to any of these questions, make sure to join us in our upcoming DINNER WORKSHOP:
"How to Eliminate Your Knee Pain Without Drugs, Injections, or Surgery!"
When: Tuesday February 22nd, 2022
Time: 6:30pm
Where: South End Tennis club banquet room
The event is FREE and DINNER will be served, but space is limited!
Call Danni or Heather at (310) 891-0102 to reserve your spot TODAY!