Foods that make you Heal or Hurt.

Last night at the dinner table, my four-year-old daughter plopped down next to me and said, "Look dad, I made a smiley face."
She grabbed the veggies from her salad, put it on her napkin, and turned her tomatoes and bell peppers into veggie tale character.
I thought it was creative and cute, myself, but amid being amused with her artistic side, I forgot to tell her to stop creating and start eating.
Sometimes as a dad, I can get caught up in enjoying my kids at the expense of giving them guidance and instruction.
There is a balance with both, but my primary role is to protect, guide and instruct.
The same concept can apply to the food you eat.
Yes, food is for our enjoyment and delight, but it is primarily used as our source of fuel for good health.
Some people look at food ONLY as a source of pleasure, so they eat anything that is pleasing to the taste. They do not relate food being connected to health at all, so they eat whatever they want, regardless if it is good or bad for you.
Other people look at food as both a source of pleasure AND health with the primary aim of eating as a source of enjoyment and comfort. Yes, they acknowledge that they should watch what they eat, but if something is put before them that tastes good, yet is bad for them, taste always wins out.
However, there is a third category of people who look at food as primarily a means to optimal health. They realize that food can make them feel good or can make them feel bad, so they strive to eat with good health in mind.
What category do you find yourself in?
The more you start looking at food as the high-octane fuel that will keep your body functioning at its best, the better you will start to feel as you start to acquire a taste for foods that make you heal and not make you hurt.
Foods that make you heal:
1) Leafy Greens
2) Berries
3) Fermented foods
4) Wild Caught Fish - omega three fats - Salmon, Sardines, Anchovies
5) Lean & Clean meats
6) Limited Grains
7) Healthy Fats: B-A-C-O-N (Butter, Avocados, Coconut oil, Olive oil, Nuts)
Foods that make you hurt:
1) Sugar
2) Saturated fats/Trans fats - fried foods, fast foods, margarine, vegetable oils
3) Processed foods/meats
4) Alcohol
5) Feedlot raised meat - contains hormones, antibiotics & xenoestrogens
6) Gluten & Casein
7) Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
Look, no one is perfect when it comes to eating what is best for you. We all give in to our taste buds from time to time.
My point is that the more you work towards eating a healthier diet, the better you are going to look and feel.
Dr. Derek 'not trying to ruin your weekend' Taylor
PS - NEW - "How to Eliminate Your Knee Pain Demonstration Workshop."
What is a Knee Pain Demonstration Workshop? It is a brief one hour workshop where we explain what is are the three most commonly overlooked causes of knee pain and what you can do about it. Demonstrations of how we apply the Taylor Method will be performed towards the end of the workshop. (Dinner is NOT provided at the demonstration workshop.)
When: Tuesday, October 25th, 2022
Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Where: Taylor Chiropractic & Laser Center
11382 Prosperity Farms Rd. #225, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
RSVP by replying this email or call NOW at (561) 867-1020 as seating is limited.