My Daughter’s 15th Birthday Story
Chiropractor Torrance CA Derek Taylor With Daughter

My firstborn daughter turned 15 years old this past weekend so to celebrate, the two of us went out to this quaint Italian Restaurant in West Palm Beach for some gourmet Gluten-Free Pizza.

The restaurant is a favorite for me & my wife, so it was natural to take my daughter there for her B-day.

We had a great time together and just before we left, we asked one of the workers to box up my daughters unfinished pizza crust for her little sister who begged me to bring back any pizza remnants.

Well, after waiting a while, I asked the server if we could get the leftover box.

He kind of hesitated, then went back to the kitchen, then came back to our table and told us to wait a few minutes.

To our surprise, he came back 10 minutes later with a brand-new pizza!

Apparently, there was a misfire in communication, someone made a mistake and threw out the leftover box, however, they made a stellar recovery and made up for it with another Hawaiiana GF Pizza.

There is reason why they have been in business so many years with over 600 - 4.8-star reviews.

If you take care of your body the same way this restaurant takes care of its customers, your chances of having a 4.8-star body are going to increase by a factor of three.

What do I mean by that?

Well, if you happen to overdo it one night and splurge on too much dessert, make sure to make up for it the next day by eating a healthy organic green salad.

If you get zero physical activity one day, make sure to do something the following day that involves some type of movement.

If you have an extremely stressful day, make sure to have some rejuvenating, healthy activity to de-stress you to counter-balance the extra stress you've been under.

Just treat your body the way this restaurant treated us, and it will pay off over the long run.

Have a Great rest of your Thursday!

Dr. Derek 'Buon Appetito' Taylor

PS- Dr. T Oren is back for his Natural skin clinic to burn off moles, skin tags, and other skin issues you may want to have addressed without surgery. When: Tuesday Sept 22, 2022 9:00am-11:00am. Slots will fill up fast so reserve your appointment soon.

PSS- "Overcome Your Knee Pain" Free Dinner Workshop coming up Tuesday September 27, 2022 at 6:30pm at the South End Tennis Club with Dr. Hudson Taylor. If you or someone you know has been struggling with Knee pain, then this is the seminar for you. Call Heather or Danni to reserve your spot or simply reply back to this e-mail.