This past weekend I went on a camping trip with 5 of my kids with a group of families from our church.
My 11 year old son had been begging me for weeks to go on this adventure and I was dragging my feet on it because of stories and rumors I've heard from other people who have camped in Florida.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid to tent camp as I have been doing it since I was a youngen but camping in California is much different than camping in Florida.
First of all, you don't have to be concerned about certain biting insects in California like you do in Florida with heavy mosquito populations or biting flies called Ceratopogonidae's (more commonly known as No-See-Ums).
We got hit by no-see-ums in the past and it's like the gift that keeps on giving as the bites never seem to go away but just keep popping up out of nowhere for weeks on end…not exactly sure how that works.
I've never seen a no-see-um and when I asked a Floridian why they call em no-see-ums he said it's because you no see-um. Ahhhh…makes sense.
Second, when you get away from the coast in Florida, the weather can get really cold at night in some places where it is bitterly, hypothermic shivering cold.
I was told that it feels like blistering subzero and body parts can turn permanently purple if you're not careful.
Being a chiropractor, I figured I needed my fingers, so I didn't want to lose any of them to the possibility of bone-chilling frost bite.
Lastly, I heard the place where we were camping was in the middle of Timbuktu with sandy roads that swallowed up entire vehicles. (Not really, but I did hear cars and vans could get stuck in the sand and need help getting out of the jam)
All these stories were a major deterrent for me to want to go camping in Florida.
However, my son's perseverance paid off and I bit the bullet only to discover that all my concerns never came to pass, and we had the greatest time ever.
The weather was perfect. There were no no-see-ums. We never got stuck in the sand.
I realized later that all these unhealthy fears almost prevented me from all the benefits gained over the weekend with all the wonderful memories I created with loved ones.
My kids and I will never forget that weekend (Including what happens when you stack 10 wooden crates on top of each other and light it on fire:)
Sometimes our fears and worries prevent us from doing things that can greatly enhance our lives.
This is especially true when it comes to health.
Some of these concerns can be legitimate, but others are based on pre-conceived unwarranted fears.
I will have patients come in that will tell me what I can or can't do in regards to their treatment because of what they have been told by others, yet what they were told was untrue and it does not help them.
However, those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and push past unhealthy fears often discover the benefits and reap the rewards of taking action.
Have a Terrific Thursday!
Dr. Derek 'Happy Camper' Taylor
P.S. - Are you or a loved one suffering with shoulder pain? Have you had shoulder surgery, injections, or trauma to your shoulder at some point in the past? Would you like to improve the mobility of your shoulder? If you answered, 'Yes' to any of the questions above, you don't want to miss out on our first Shoulder Workshop of the year:
"How to Eliminate Your Shoulder Pain, without the use of Drugs, Injections, or Surgery!"
When: Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 @ 6:30PM
Where: South End Tennis Club (Banquet Room) ~ 2800 Skypark Dr. Torrance, CA 90505
Why: To learn how to improve the longevity of your shoulders, reduce levels of pain and get back to doing the activities/hobbies you love to do most without having to resort to drugs, injections, or surgery.
RSVP by replying to this e-mail or call the office at 310-891-0102 to reserve your seat.