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Palm Beach Gardens

Palm Beach Gardens

Here's what others have said on Yelp:

Katherine T.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"We are so thankful that we found Dr Taylor! We brought our 11 year old daughter in to see him because she had been struggling with chronic neck pain and had recently fallen aggravating her neck even more. He was able to work with her and address the root problem. She has been pain free this whole week since her visit where normally she would complain about her neck bothering her at least once a day. Dr Taylor's extensive knowledge and care for his patients is truly a unique gift!"

Andrew N.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is head and shoulders above the rest. I have been to five chiropractors but he is hands down the best. He has great skill, wonderful patient rapport plus the most up-to-date equipment to treat his patients. In addition, his staff is incredibly kind and efficient. It's a pleasure to go to him."

Erin J.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"October of 2018, I injured my foot which persisted to cause ongoing pain and limited mobility. I spoke with two outside doctors who told me my injury was like "saran wrap, once you push a hole in it, it never reverts back." Before officially signing up as a patient of Doctor Taylor's, he showed me one of his methods that relieved my pain within under a minute or two. My past experiences with chiropractors included the typical popping adjustments and aligning within about a 10-15 minute appointment. Doctor Taylor took the time my body needed to adjust and reduce pain utilizing a large range of individualized techniques targeting my whole body health for over an hour.I have never left any medical professional before Doctor Taylor feeling instantly better overall, not just in my foot targeted area. Doctor Taylor and staff are warm, welcoming, and exhibit exceptional professionalism and care. After my first appointment, Doctor Taylor called me later in the day to check in to see how I was feeling following treatment. I feel confident when I walk into my next appointment I will be greeted warmly and I will leave feeling little to no pain and prolonged improvement in my overall healing. Receiving chiropractic care from Doctor Taylor is a pleasure that I feel like the world is missing out on."

Richard W.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Over the years, I have seen many chiropractors. I've had wonderful experiences. But, Dr. Taylor's suite of specialized equipment and adjustments is making a significant difference. I've dealt with a problem in my upper, mid-back area that has plagued me since my military days (Navy SEALs). Dr. Taylor used multiple pieces of equipment--some I still don't quite understand how they work--but in combination with his chiropractic adjustments, I'm finally feeling relief from this chronic problem."

Darcie S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I am a physical therapist who had a frozen shoulder for over 5 years. I had cortizone shots, saw a physical therapist (who said I had the worst case she had ever seen, tried everything and couldn't get it to release), a surgeon who said he would cut the adhesions inside the joint but I declined because I wanted to avoid surgery and a couple of other chiropractors who made small progress but never was able to get my shoulder to get a full range of motion.

When I first visited Dr. Taylor, I got immediate results with more flexibility and less pain, but I thought it was a bit pricey, so I tried the other chiropractors that my insurance would take. They were cheaper, but they didn't help me. So I went back to Dr. Taylor. It took a while because my shoulders were frozen for so long, but with each treatment, I got more flexibility and less pain. I now have a full range of motion so I can go back to playing sports again. He also helped me get more flexibility in my back, neck, and other joints. I told him, "I feel 20 again!" and I'm actually in my 50's :).

The difference with Dr. Taylor is he has taken a lot of classes so he is very knowledgeable, he has years of experience, he has really good tools that get results faster, and he genuinely cares about his patients. The same is true about all of his staff - they all care and are all very skilled. I have sent my children to get treated there as well as have referred my friends.

Thanks, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Hudson, Dr. Laura, Melanie, and Heather! You are all the best!"

Michelle A.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"For those of you looking for someone to just snap your back and send you on your way, Dr. Taylor isn't for you. BUT if you are looking for someone who will look at you as a whole and help you get your body functioning at its peak then you have come to the right place. Dr. Taylor has helped me to not only recover from an injury that was slated for a surgical solution without having to go under the knife but also has helped to get my metabolism and immune system functioning better than it has in years."

Ali K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I've had Costochrondris from 2015-2017, I finally got serious enough to do something about the terrible pain I was feeling. I stumbled across Dr. Taylor's Youtube video. I decided to do more research on who he because I'm very picky about who I see and don't usually go to anybody, especially not off a youtube video!

I lean towards alternative doctors who are referred out and come highly recommended by a friend or another professional. I watched Dr. Taylor's video several times before I called and made an appointment. I figure if I didn't like him. I'd didn't have to go back.

I was a bit apprehensive because my body is super sensitive and the chiropractor I saw before in S.F. Bay Area now retired, used to do kinesiology prior to his adjustments. (muscle testing). Which I loved. I am a Barbara Brennan energy healer and it makes so much more sense to muscle test an area prior to an adjustment. I walked into Dr. Taylor's office and saw a Doterra essential oil diffuser. I felt more at ease. Turns out we got to talking and he is from Hawaii, where I lived prior to moving to LA.

During our appt, Dr. Taylor also does Kinesiology muscle testing... SCORE! He also suggested trying the Laser Light treatment. Those two services combined with Dr. Laura's trigger point massage has helped me tremendously. The pain that I frequently had is now gone!!! Getting my bones & muscles back into alignment has helped with my nerve pain. I would highly recommend Dr. Taylor for all your chronic & acute pain. Worth the 1.5-hour drive from Sherman Oaks to Torrance.

He genuinely & truly cares about your well being which is what I miss most about living in Hawaii, the aloha spirit of love & kindness....Mahalo nui loa Dr. Taylor, you are da Best! Aloha!"

Eleni P.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor has really helped me. I've been suffering chronic knee pain for at least 23 years. I also have back issues as well. Since I've been coming to Dr. Taylor's office for about 7 weeks now. With the Orthotics in my shoes, shock wave therapy. I have been having little to no knee pain at all.

I'm finally getting the relief I've been wanting without surgery. He also is helping my back problem too. I get on the hydro bed, I also get a massage and at times the shock wave therapy. He also adjusted my back. I want to give a huge thank you to Dr. Taylor for helping me."

Alana O.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor and his office are amazing. They really listened to what was going on and created a treatment plan that included adjustment, massage, heat laser, and hydrotherapy. He stayed late to make sure my first appointment really set me on the path to wellness-and it worked better than I imagined.

My pain is nearly gone, after just one treatment, and some very deep massage/laser. I'm able to stand up straight and regained flexibility. I highly recommend Dr. Taylor and his approach to diagnose and really get at the problem, not just treat the symptoms. Everyone in the office is professional and welcoming. I haven't felt this good in a while!"

Kyra P.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is not your average chiropractor. Not going to lie when I first arrived I was a bit skeptical. I had been to so many chiropractors and no one could help me. After Dr. Taylor did his assessment I knew I was in the right hands. His treatment approach is more than just a typical neck and back adjustments.

He treats the whole body....addressing physical, emotional, and chemical components that may be negatively affecting your health. He spends quality time getting to the root of your problem. Besides being an excellent chiropractor, he seems like an overall good guy. You can tell he doesn't do his job for the money...he truly wants to help people and get you better. 5 stars all around!"

Margaret S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"My husband started coming to Dr. Taylor about 15-16 years ago and had great results (he is picky as his dad and brother are Chiropractors!) and coming ever since. I decided to go too and was so pleased that I did. When we had our oldest son 12 yrs ago, he was premature and he had to be in the NICU for 5 weeks.

Soon after we brought him from the hospital, we went to see Dr. Taylor and we were so impressed with Dr. Taylor's skills (he has a lot of experience with kids) and with his treatments, help turn our boy into being one healthy and very active dude. Dr. Taylor continues to see our whole family for wellness checkups as well as times when we are sick too. He is so kind, detailed and provides a gentle, thorough adjustment. We are so lucky Dr. Taylor is apart of our family's health."

Donald B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Another "Wow!" experience at Dr. Taylor's office (I posted an earlier review on August 11th). His office incorporates techniques and modalities that are innovative, cutting-edge, and effective. Truly, a 'Beverly Hills' chiropractic experience."

Brandon W.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I was diagnosis with costochondritis in October 2018 and was experiencing pain attacks at least once a week. We tried to find a health practitioner in the Orange County area to treat my condition but was unable to find one locally. After much research on the internet, my dad came across a video by Dr. Derek Taylor, a Chiropractor in Torrance, CA and we decided to see if he can help.

The initial visit, Dr. Taylor thoroughly examined my costochondritis pain. He took his time to explain what he's doing step by step with each procedure. He developed a 3-day corrective plan and maximized each of the treatments because I was limited for time; I had to leave shortly after the treatments to go back to college. I can tell you, I felt much relief after the first day and every treatment afterward was even better.

Dr. Taylor has great bedside manners, thorough and most of all is an expert in his craft. He's amazing! And, the staff was kind, caring and appreciative too. The drive with traffic took 2 hours each way, but I can tell you after each of the treatments, it was well worth the traveling. I highly recommend Dr. Derek Taylor."

Keith J.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"If you're looking for a cheap adjustment, look elsewhere, because that's not what dr. Taylor specializes in. He specializes in making you feel better and does everything in his power to do just that. Had a very sharp pain in my mid-back, he adjusted me as well as worked out all the locks he that had inadvertently ensued. Very satisfied."

Sofia Y.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Everything the previous reviewers have said is true - Dr. Taylor is an excellent chiropractor and will make you feel MUCH better after seeing him. I had never seen a chiropractor before being a car accident a few months ago. I started with one Dr. who didn't do much to help my back pain. I found Dr. Taylor based on the reviews here (thank you Yelp!) and am so glad I found him.

In just a few months my back pain has significantly improved. He and Dr. Laura both work wonders! The staff are all so professional and friendly. Heather is wonderful. You feel like you've known everyone for ages in just a short time. Dr. Taylor is also an incredible multitasker and he has an amazing memory - he always seems to remember details of things we've discussed even if I haven't been in to see him in over a week or more.

He is outgoing, extremely friendly, and down to earth. Not pushy at all. He really cares about his patients and their well-being. He explains everything so you understand what the problem is and his approach to fixing it. I could go on and on but essentially if you're considering a chiropractor do yourself a huge favor & go see Dr. Taylor- he is a gem and will wonder on your aches and pains!"

Terri K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Derek Taylor, Dr. Hudson Taylor, Melanie, and Dr. Laura were so thorough, professional, and kind. They spent so much time with me and worked me into their busy schedule so that I could have 6 treatments all done in one day, my day off of work. Thanks, Taylor Chiropractic and Laser Center!"

Linda S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I initially went to Dr. Derek Taylor for a neck/ back issue that has been plaguing me for years. Being a rather shy older female I was ashamed to exhibit my middle-age spare tire for the treatment-- upon hearing this Dr. Taylor told me that he could help me lose this 20 pounds that I have been carrying around for 30 years.

He has a diet program that really works. I followed it perfectly and have lost 18 lbs. thus far. I have been eating all very healthy food--- fresh vegetables, lean meats and fish, and fresh fruit--and I have tons of energy--- never felt better. I think that this type of eating will be my life from now on.

My son complimented my appearance and told me that this must have been what I looked like when I met his Dad. Thank you, Dr. Taylor. Also, did I mention that he has helped fix my chiropractic issue through slight adjustments, laser, and massage therapy, and the entire staff is the best!"

Erica D.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I am 48 years old and a mother of two. I have been in constant leg pain on my left leg for 3 years. I woke one morning and could not feel the front of my leg from the mid-thigh to mid-shin in the front only and to touch it would make me cry. I walk with a cane and could only stand for a few minutes at only a time without wanting to sit down.

I could not lift my leg more than an inch off the ground. I went to every Spine Specialist in town to just be told sorry you are not going to get better you have a pinched nerve on your left side and we can not do anything to help except pain management. I have been the same for 3 years with the pain of about an 8 on a scale of 1-10.

Well, today I had my first appointment and let me say I left in tears!!! Tears of JOY. I have a pain level of about 5-6 and my leg lifts up higher than it has ever in 3 years.. Dr. Taylor and his staff are "AMAZING".... I can't express my gratitude towards them enough. I will be returning and can't wait to see the improvement that is yet to come. Dr. Taylor I honestly feel like a new person. onlyI never thought my leg would feel better!!!! Thank You all from the bottom of my heart."

Arbytu T.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I took my daughter to see Dr. Taylor regarding some pain she's been experiencing in her left hip. My daughter is a gymnast and has endured this pain for a good 7-8 months. We've tried hot and cold treatments, pain medication but nothing seemed to alleviate the discomfort. The gymnastics season was just starting and we decided to see

Dr. Taylor. On March 15th, and after going through the initial diagnosis, Dr. Taylor found the problem and suggested treatment. Within the second treatment, the pain started to alleviate. By the time the 5th treatment, the pain was at a level 3 and she was feeling much better. On April 30th, my daughter's gymnastics season finally came to a close; she was almost pain-free and felt so good that she was a 2016 Western National Gymnastics Champion thanks to Dr. Taylor. Thank You, Dr. Taylor."

Katie D.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is the very BEST! I've struggled with some major health issues over the past 10 years, and have seen a plethora of doctors, but Dr. Taylor is by far the very best and is the only doctor (conventional or functional) who has gotten to the root of my health issues. I no longer have to take my medications, I'm pain-free and feel a sense of calm and happy, and have more energy than I did 15 years ago.

Dr. Taylor is always up to speed on the newest technology to safely and effectively treat his patients, and he only uses the highest quality supplements. His methods are amazing. And what's even more amazing is that Dr. Taylor is kind and takes the time to listen, and always here for me in any health emergency I've been in. I wholeheartedly only trust Dr. Taylor because I'm living the results and appreciate more than he'll ever know what great lengths he has gone to in order to get me better. His staff is awesome too! So I'll say it again, Dr. Taylor is the very best."

Aimee L.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I deeply appreciate Dr. Taylor's intuitive, holistic, and gentle approach, as well as his focused, caring attention to the root cause of the challenge I was experiencing. Much tension and blockages were released from my body very efficiently during the session, through his expert manual therapies and a nurturing time on the hydro massage bed. I feel more ease in my body and am experiencing more flow with balanced energy... in just one session. Thank you, Dr. Taylor!"

Darryl G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Shoulder, elbow, and back, each one was causing me pain, discomfort and limiting my mobility. First, my shoulder had been giving me problems for a number of years; I attribute it to a sledding accident. Dr. Derek was very thorough in his examination and took copious and detailed notes.

After which he prescribed a regimen of treatments. While undergoing this treatment I asked him if he could take a look at my elbow that had started to cause some pain. Again, Dr. Derek was thorough with his examination and began treatment right away. His care and professionalism lead to a complete recovery and enable me to return to a habit of regular and strenuous exercise.

So, when I injured my back, I went straight to Dr. Derek for relief. Why wait for years, months, or even days when help is just an office visit away. Dealing with my back injury as soon as possible I believe lead to a very quick recovery. Derek really is as good as it gets."

Shawn M.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I'm a weekend warrior and a triathlete in training. I came by Dr. Taylor's office to address a few issues that I've tried to have addressed in the past by other chiropractors and physical therapists and also getting massages. I've been scared to go to a chiropractor, last time I went to a different chiropractor, my neck was hurting more after the treatment.

Dr. Taylor really listened to what my issues are and within a few minutes was able to pinpoint and find the cause of the problem and after a treatment, I was pain-free in my lower back which has been bothering me for close to two years. I'm really excited to be goods hands with Dr. Taylor."

Ashley B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have known, and been going to Dr. Derek Taylor for over 20 years. Not only is he an amazing chiropractor but also a wonderful human being. He treats his clients was so much love, grace and lots of healing. As a practitioner she tunes into what elements are happening in your body and narrows it down to a multitude of causes and treats the original cause.

He is always adding new modalities in order to increase the healing of his patients. I've gone to several chiropractors through the years, I have never seen one that has the amount of modalities that he has and knows how to work with them in ways that create incredible healing. I would highly recommend into anyone who is looking for better solutions and incredible healing with their body."

Kim G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is the best! He has been caring for both of my kids since they were in utero. With chiropractic care, he turned my breach son a few days before he was born. Anytime one of them isn't feeling well, it's off to Dr. Taylor we go. He has helped our whole family stay well."

Suzanne S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I came to see Dr. Taylor almost 3 years ago when I was suffering from a very painful knee and became worried that another doctor might suggest kneed surgery/replacement. I am 71 and have had several friends get knee replacements with varying degrees of success. I sought him out as someone who used one of the techniques that had worked well for me when we lived in Pennsylvania.

After the first treatment, I was greatly improved and after 6 or so treatments I had forgotten that my knee hurt. Now I see Dr. Taylor monthly on a maintenance schedule that includes my whole body. The staff are very friendly and the services provided continue to keep me pain-free. I would recommend Taylor Chiropractic to anyone in need."

Mike B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Taylor chiropractic is the best! Ive suffered from chronic neck pain. After consulting with Dr. Taylor he quickly diagnosed the problem and adjust my body back into proper alignment. I'm blessed to say I no longer have neck Pain! Thank you DR. TAYLOR!!!"

Jordan L.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor and his team are incredible! I had first heard about Dr. Taylor after my mom had great results from his adjustments and nutritional counseling. She had recommended him after I had gone to three different chiropractors and still had pain in my lower back and neck.

After the first adjustment, both areas felt much better. Dr. Taylor continued to think creatively as well as make helpful suggestions to tackle any future discomfort. If you're looking for a great chiropractor then stop Googling and give him a call!"

Nelia A.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I had my first encounter with Dr. Derek and he was a rescuer from my long time pain and aches on my shoulders and neck. It was an almost instant relief that I never experienced from my previous chiro service. His own unique way of doing the adjustments from his over 25 years of practice is something you should try.

Most importantly he values his patients and you will feel the warmth of his concern. I definitely will recommend him to my friends and family. Thank you, Dr. Derek Taylor. I will see you at your clinic again."

Vicki S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is the first line of defense for me. Does not matter what the issue is, emotional, physical, chemical. He helps in each situation. I always leave feeling better. He gives you a personal plan that fits your needs, unlike some other medical professionals who prescribe the same thing to each patient.

I like the personal touch and knowledge. He has many ways to fix your personal issue - adjustments, oils, laser, deep tissue massage, infrared sauna, and much more!! You have to just have faith and go in and see what he can do for you. It is beyond amazing, thank you Dr. Taylor for your years of fixing me!!!"

David N.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Very professional, going beyond the duty to help, all my lower back pain is good now. the stuff in the office is very accommodating."

Crystal G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"If you're looking for a chiropractor who cares and a friendly and warm welcoming staff this is definitely your place I don't typically leave a lot of Yelp reviews but I had to make an exception. The staff took their time to really analyze my situation and I'm confident throughout the treatment I will be back and running in no time I'm very excited to call Tyler Chiropractic my long lost Family This experience was definitely Kismet."

Leslie C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"8 years ago, I had a very severe accident which damaged my spinal cord and I wasn´t able to walk for a year after. I've been in constant pain ever since as well. Over the years I've seen many doctors for my condition and was not able to obtain adequate relief until I came to doctor Taylor's office. I have been a flight attendant for 45 years and have accumulated scar tissue over time.

Dr. Taylor has the unique ability to discover the root causes of my aches and pains through his hands-on analysis and amazing intuition. I have been able to also receive treatment from his son, Hudson Taylor, who has done a great job. Dr. Taylor also has an amazing staff that always provide encouragement and help. I am so happy to have received care from Dr. Taylor and his team."

Stacey C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I was needing an adjustment after a long road trip. The morning of my appointment with Dr. Taylor my lower back was very sore. He knew just what I needed. Dr. Laura also gave me a wonderful massage and I walked out of there feeling so much better. When I went into today for my follow-up visit, I was adjusted by Hudson Taylor. He was amazing too! What an amazing team they all are."

John J.D.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Thank You Dr. Taylor, The recovery from both my Achilles tendon surgeries was going horribly until I met you. You turned things around and have given me my life back. You truly care about your patients, there were times that I was in a hurry and needed to go but you kept me there until we had success. With your recommendations I have kept all my weight off and feel better than ever... you're the best!"

Lori F.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I had the most amazing experience with Dr. Taylor while he was in AZ visiting with his wife and children. While we were out looking at homes I mentioned I had a migraine, instantly Dr. Taylor took my aid. His approach was interesting, not one I had experienced before.

He was able to take the pain of my migraine away with his technique without even having me lay on a Chiropractic table. My pain has been gone for 2 days now! I'm so thankful he prevented me from going to Urgent Care to get a steroid shot. He comes highly recommended! I can't wait until the next adjustment. Thanks, Dr. Taylor!"

Rana D.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Went in for shoulder pain and left feeling relieved. Great staff with friendly helpful service. Dr. Derek Taylor was great to be around and is a people person he listened to everything I had to say about my shoulder pain and was able to narrow down to the specific point, would definitely go back again!"

Frank C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor and Dr. Laura are Great and Very knowledgeable on Chiropractic Care for a poor aching Body. There have taken very good care of me and always goes the extra mile for you! They have Blessed me well and are AWESOME. Thank you."

Meagan K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is the best chiropractor I have ever seen! He and his staff are extremely talented and thorough. He has helped me tremendously with passed injuries involving neck pain as well as an intense pinched nerve. His office is professional and equipped with amenities such as laser therapy treatment, a masseuse, water hydro-massage bed, and more!

They give unbeatable detailed treatments to get me feeling great again in no time! I can not thank Dr. Taylor enough for going above and beyond with his chiropractic services and quickly recovering my body in painful times. I wouldn't go anywhere else!"

Carol L.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor was the only Chiropractor able to help me with my sciatic issue. He is not only a Chiropractor but a healer. He addresses the total body. I have had many various body ailments that he has addressed with great success. I highly recommend Dr. Taylor for a consult if you are looking to get on the road to recovery!"

Lori R.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is kind, thoughtful, knowledgeable, and an excellent chiropractic doctor. His protocol with the ChiroThin plan helped me lose 35 lbs. that I have been trying to lose since 1996! It has been 5 mths, and my weight is stable. In addition, I take Chi herbs.

My last blood work came back with perfectly normal numbers all around. I would highly recommend this office and his work to all. I have been struggling with vertigo for years, he adjusted my skull bones and the vertigo is gone!!! Thank God for his work through Dr. Taylor and his excellent staff."

Joel G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor was the first person to ever give an adjustment. And oh my goodness! It was so helpful with relieving the tightness in my back! I have had multiple adjustments now and every time it is great. It's relieving, it's quick, and Dr. Taylor is incredibly nice! Would definitely recommend to a friend."

Kathy S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Taylor Chiropractics is more like a one-stop-shop for holistic and cutting edge pain management. Dc Taylor offers a wide variety of treatment options to combat skeletal & muscular injury and imbalance. He is constantly upgrading his equipment and bringing in the latest high tech treatment options. I highly recommend you give his practice a try if you are in pain or simply want to perform better."

Ines B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have been going to the Taylor Chiropractic and Laser Center for a few months now, and I am very happy with the treatments I've been receiving. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Laura make an excellent team. Very kind and professional! They have really helped me with my pain management and healing process. Their office support ladies are also extremely nice. I highly recommend Dr. Taylor's chiropractic care. He asks the right questions to pursue a treatment plan that suits each individual's needs."

Lucie K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I highly recommend Dr. Taylor, he's absolutely the best Chiropractor in the area, very knowledgeable and professional! For months I had suffered from lower back pain and tightness and Dr. Taylor's technique did wonders! Stop suffering! Don't wait any longer and reach out to make an appointment today!"

Dis R.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Found Dr. Taylor on Google and really surprise of his quick service and how professional he was with his treatment which helps me move my neck again with the sharp pain running through my back. Highly recommend to anyone with back pain or neck pain."

Danielle H.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Time and again Dr. Taylor has helped me with back and neck pain, but when I get into his office he uncovers my digestive issue or helps me with something I was suffering unnecessarily with.

Dr. Taylor and his staff are caring and encouraging. I always leave his office feeling better. He doesn't help me with just the symptoms I complain about. He finds the root cause and provides me with solutions."

Eulonda W.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I came in to visit Dr. Taylor on July 10th because I was in a car accident and my pain level was off the chart. By the time I left his office, my pain level came down to about 5 and felt much better. Dr. Taylor is very a experienced chiropractor and is very knowledgeable in this field.

He is very patient and understanding and did not try to rush me. He wants to make sure that you are very happy with his services and wants to make sure that you leave with a smile on your face. I was very pleased with the laser therapy and alignment and love that all types of insurance are welcome. I will definitely recommend his office to all my friends and family."

Rachel B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I am 4 months pregnant and just saw Dr. Taylor for the first time and am very pleased with my exam and treatment. He is professional and kind, he explained everything plainly which was much appreciated. He clearly does everything with a motivation to heal the person and not just put a bandaid over the symptom. I would highly recommend Dr. Taylor's services to friends, family, and strangers!"

Jared L.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Great service and friendly staff, doctor Taylor has all the technology that made my back pain disappear instantly! The water bed, back adjustment were my favorite! I was honestly amazed by the results of the "Taylor Method" the prices were more than reasonable! Thank you so much doc will definitely recommend to my family and friends. I'll be back!"

Tess T.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have been going to Dr. Taylor for more than a month now and he's been wonderful as well as the rest of his staff especially Dr. Laura. Same with Hudson and Jonathan. They definitely give the extra mile to make me comfortable and happy with my treatment. I will absolutely tell my friends out there how great this clinic is and for them to see and experience it themselves. Great job!"

John C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I was having severe anxiety attacks and Dr. Taylor was able to find a supplement that is helping me now! As well as my stomach was all sorts out of wack I had to have an endoscope at USC and noting was found and now Dr. Taylor was able to find the problem and fix it with the laser treatment. Just leaving and I already feel back to normal again! Should have come here first!"

Ginger M.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is so much more than a doctor. He takes the time to truly listen and connect with his patients and to understand their situations. After every treatment or adjustment, I feel amazing and pain-free. It has been truly life-changing and has altered the way I live my life. No more agonizing aches and cramps holding me back. Thank you, Dr. Derek!"

Nicole G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I only recently discovered Taylor Chiropractic and have received amazing treatment thus far! It has only been a few sessions but already with huge improvement! I came in with a couple of different issues. First, a whiplash injury which caused some headaches and tenderness and lack of range of motion to my neck, and second chronic low back pain.

Dr. Taylor has amazing technology on top of several diverse techniques. I usually come in and he will adjust me and use the arthrostim with several checks and re-checks on the range of motion and muscle testing to consistently test for improvement. Dr. Laura will do some amazing soft tissue and massage work. She spends a great amount of time in my main problem areas, going deep when needed. She will hit my scalenes and SCM pretty hard but afterward, I always feel an immediate relief in that area.

As she works, Dr. Taylor has a very impressive laser working at the same time. I have never seen anything like it. It's the best laser I have seen and been worked on yet. Shortly afterward, I will lay on the waterbed. It's extremely relaxing and with the scene of the beach-going while the massage motion works through from my head all the way down to my feet in a rolling motion similar to the feel of a current or water flowing beneath you.

With only a few visits I am very impressed by Dr. Taylor's treatments and his extremely knowledgeable staff. I would highly recommend Dr. Taylor to anyone. I have been commuting an hour each way for his treatment and it is definitely worth it.

Lastly, I have also tried Dr. Taylor's Nuerofeedback while in his office. It has only been a couple of sessions but I wanted to mention this because it is very unique and no other chiropractor I have seen has this kind of technology. I also have ADHD which makes it quite difficult to focus in grad school, especially for long periods of time. His technology allows one to see the weak points in the brain and improve memory and focus while being non-invasive.

The sessions usually start out with it being tougher for me to focus in the first 15 minutes or so but with the consistent stimuli of the glasses and the volume shifts I find improvements in the second half of treatment and have noticed that carry through in my day to day activities. I have also noticed an improvement in my sleeping patterns. I am curious to see the difference when school starts back up after our short break from the term."

Ryan K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is way beyond a regular Chiropractor. He is interested in finding out what the root cause of your pain or discomfort is. His practice has some great advancements in laser and pain reduction. I can't thank him enough for his exhaustive look into my history and detailed plan to go from intense pain to really optimal health. I went to many other chiropractors before him and I won't make that mistake again."

Travis G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have been seeing Dr. Taylor off and on for many years. If you have a problem that other doctors and therapists can't fix, he is the man to see. Even if you have never been to a chiropractor and might be skeptical of their methods, do not be concerned. With his multitude of techniques, and desire to get to the root of your problem, he will bring you relief. He has worked on my knees, shoulders, neck, and back with great success. He and his staff care greatly about their patients and always serve with a smile."

Susan M.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is the best chiropractor I have ever been to! His understanding of the human body and mechanics is amazing! He utilizes so many different areas of expertise to maximize the healing, from adjustments to laser treatments to food testing, and deep massage. My body is stronger, leaner, and better functioning than it has been in years! A wise doctor helps the body to heal, and Dr. Taylor is a wise doctor indeed!"

J. K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I was involved in a traffic accident during the month of April and was suffering from neck and back pain. Since this was my first such accident, I visited oriental medicine doctor getting acupuncture but did not help. thankfully, one of my friends introduced Dr. Taylor saying he was a great chiropractor.

After just a couple of treatments by back and neck feels much better. Dr. Taylor is very courteous and details in his treatment. He also has many laser treatments so I'm very satisfied with the variety of service and the result. One of the hospital staff named Christine is so nice and friendly. I strongly recommend Dr. Taylor to anyone."

Alison G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have always been pretty apprehensive about chiropractors. But Dr. Taylor and his top-quality team has made me a firm believer. My first experience with Dr. Taylor was when I had horrible lower back pain. I had been taking Tylenol, Advil, and stronger prescribed medication when the first two didn't work. It hurt to walk, sit, and also had spasms. He did an adjustment. It was like magic! My pain was gone and could resume my regular activities.

More recently I had been rear-ended. My head had hit the rearview mirror. My neck and upper back had been in pain. I made an appointment. When I had arrived Christine, at the front desk was super helpful and attentive. She was super welcoming and had made the whole process easy.

My appointment had started with an examination. Dr. Taylor was very thorough. He just didn't examine the areas that were in pain but had examined my body as a whole. He made me feel that he really did care for my well being and not just rush me in and out or just another patient.

I am so thankful for Dr. Taylor and his team. They are so helpful. He helped my body heal. It feels much better than it did before the accident. If you are sitting on the fence about chiropractors, Or just not happy with your own chiropractor go see Dr. Taylor he will make you a believer."

Jazz T.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is phenomenal. He has a professional work ethic which is why I recommend him to all of my friends. He not only cares about his patients' physical well being, he cares about their spiritual, emotional, psychological, mental, and relational health.

There are several times in which he has helped me work through difficult issues. He always seems to be continuing his education (by way of conferences and classes) in the area of chiropractic care affording him the opportunity to develop more effective methods of treating patients. I am well satisfied with Dr. Taylor!!!"

Marcela D.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I am a family medicine physician in Mission Viejo and was recommended to travel to Torrance to see Dr. Taylor to help me with chronic left shoulder pain. I have been to his office 4 times now, on a weekly basis, and have noticed a significant improvement in my pain, range of motion, and ability to play beach volleyball without any pain during or afterward.

I am about 60% better and look forward to being pain-free with the full range of motion at all times, by the time my treatment program ends. Dr. Taylor has done an excellent job of assisting me through this process, and it has been worth the long drive to see him each week."

Mike R.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I've been going to Dr. Taylor for many years now. I first went in for shoulder pain that I couldn't get fixed at any of the other Doctors I went to see. After my first adjustment, I felt a lot better. I started going for weekly visits and he put me on a workout plan to keep my shoulder pain from coming back. Weekly visits turned into monthly visits which eventually ended when I no longer had any pain in my shoulder.

After getting married, expanding our family, and no longer taking care of my body, I noticed my upper back was starting to hurt badly. Carrying a 20-pound baby for half the day is no small feat. All I could think about was getting time to go see Dr. Taylor. Luckily when I called they had an available appointment the next day. I went in and after my adjustment, I felt a lot better again.

He has me on a weekly plan again and this time I'm going to make sure to keep taking care of myself once Dr. Taylor fixes me up. I highly recommend Dr. Taylor for all your pain management needs."

Jess A.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Always a pleasant experience. There's is no time I've ever walked out of Dr. Taylor's office feeling worse or the same. He is very knowledgeable and educates you on some of the reasons why you are having pain. He gets to the root of the problem. I always refer everyone to Dr. Taylor's office. Hands down the BEST chiropractor ever."

Mark S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is amazing. Rare to find a Dr. with so much integrity and who is down to Earth genuine these days, I have never observed a Dr. who is so thorough in his diagnosis and pre patient assessment. One who finds the source then treats the source, His patient care and attention is of the highest caliber, What other Dr., whilst sticking to his treatment plan, gives you a guarantee on your treatments?

If he cannot help you he is honest and upfront, not misleading. He truly wants you to get better and be on your way. His knowledge and interest in finding the latest technologies available in the medical field is awesome, as my current treatment was with the use of a new technology Dr. T has implemented into his practice, Energy Pressure Wave Technology.

A skiing accident, loud popping sound, Straining my calf muscle to almost a total tear - high-end Grade2 calf strain, Dr. T had me out of there in 6 sessions to 100% recovery. I am flawed by the efficiency and healing abilities of his Energy Pressure Wave device. 6 weeks back running, from one session a week, from a High-end Grade 2 calf strain. AMAZING! (FYI - From previous Military high-end grade 1 calf strains (HALF as bad as this), would take over 6 weeks 4 times a week physiotherapy to heal & never 100%.)

Dr. T is, in my eyes, more of a Holistic Dr. than a usual Chiropractor that I have seen, he can assess and help in ALL areas of your life ranging from current holistic Nutrition advice to Weight management to being Pain-Free all tailored to your specific body, from a technique that Dr. T uses and has come to master, fine-tuned to each individual client.

Thanks, Dr. T much appreciation."

Valerie R.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Awesome Chiropractor... Very great with emotional and physical aspects of injuries... A unique approach to chiropractic care! Highly recommended!! try him out!"

Melanie K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have had major back and neck pain for years and so happy I found Dr. Taylor.
I have been getting regular adjustments for about 6 months and feel much better, so much better in fact that "I forgot" to go for six weeks and the only reason I went today was preventative. In late October, Dr. Taylor used a magic machine on my neck and I was pain-free..100% for the first time in 10 years!!!!"

Kristen A.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I fell and hit my head on October 28, 2013. Since then I have seen many doctors that could not help me with my symptoms or even begin to describe why it was happening. For the past two years, I suffered from migraines, dizziness, and pain throughout my neck and shoulders.

After being in pain for two years my cousin told me about Dr. Taylor. I was always afraid of chiropractors but after two years of suffering, I was going to try anything. Upon my first visit with Dr. Taylor, I felt a huge difference. Now after several visits, I am now headache free. This is something that I haven't had in two years. I thank Dr. Taylor for all he has done."

Sophia B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is one of the best doctors out there. He truly cares about his patients and wants them to get better. I am an aerialist and received a shoulder injury Thursday night. I called his office Friday afternoon fifteen minutes before they were closing somehow he squeezed me in.

Dr. Taylor did a very thorough examination to figure out what was wrong with my shoulder. I am currently working with him to make my shoulder better. He uses his top of the line treatments for his patients. His staff is also very friendly and welcoming. I cannot thank him enough for helping me with my injury."

Suzanne J.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is much more than your ordinary doctor- he goes above and beyond and truly cares about all his clients. I have been a few times, but I already know he is a doctor that I will never let retire. He is a lifelong doctor who I plan to use frequently. He provides honest feedback and gives suggestions that will benefit you long term. You feel comforted in his office and he has friendly staff. He strives for perfection and doesn't give up. I am very grateful that I have found Dr. Taylor."

Chloe W.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Cutting edge techniques and therapies. Dr. Taylor's work goes far and above your typical chiropractor. Yes, he does adjustments, but he has honed a multi-disciplinary, holistic approach that amplifies the power of what he does tenfold.

He is an intuitive, caring, and skilled practitioner and will work with you to source and heal your injury. He takes the time you need to get the job done. Nothing like your average "fast-food" chiropractor. Highly recommend."

Laurie C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor has been my chiropractor for years. I can always count on his knowledge to find to the source of my pain and treat it. I play tennis and ride horses, so there have been many occasions to be in need of his services. I March of this year, after a long battle with weight, I went to see him. I had been eating wrong for so long, I had serious symptoms. I couldn't think straight.

I didn't want to get off the couch. I have 4 grandchildren that I care for, and this is no way to do it. He asked if I was ready to 'clean up', I didn't think I could do it, but he thought I could. I started his program, he was coach and mentor. I was in his office every week for 3 months; now I am on maintenance. I have let go of 37 lbs since then. That is definitely a life-changer, but by following his program, I feel like I have a new brain. I could go on, suffice to say, he has helped me get health back."

Blanca C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Great office! Dr. Taylor and his staff are very friendly and professional. Exceptional service. Adjustments are great! You leave this office pain free and relaxed. Give them a try. I will definitely refer my family to him."

Anthony B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"It all started with me painted a few rooms in Dr. Taylor home and he offers to give me a treatment to relieve some pain in my ankle I been having for some months now, and when I thought about a Chiropractic giving me a treatment I said I don't want to be in any more pain as I thought because of the rumors I heard growing up.

It was nothing like I picture. Dr. Taylor knows what he is doing I went from a 7 to a 0. My pain had left with just a little time spent with Dr. Taylor! I have told my whole family about the amazing and gentle way of helping me go from hurting and limping to walking feeling good. Thank you, Dr. Taylor, you do very good work! I will recommend you any day! Thank you and God Bless you and your Family."

Raul C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Excellent service and adjustments! see for yourself. Prices are reasonable, and they have friendly staff. Love the hydrotherapy bed, and the laser treatment."

Rhoanne W.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is an amazing healer. He has perfected an array of techniques and treatments to relieve pain. Less than a month ago I was experiencing stabbing back pain. Now I am pain-free. Under Dr. Taylor's compassionate care I've got my health back. Dr. Taylor is not only honest and trustworthy, there is magic in those hands!"

Craig C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I'm an action sports cameraman and Dr. Taylor has been putting me back together for years. I cannot say enough good about him. Great Chiropractor, good human being. He listens and won't let you leave until he has you 100% back in alignment. For me at least that often includes much more than an adjustment. It can take massage, laser, and basically the Chiro equivalent of the kitchen sink!! Love that guy."

Lexington C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor and his staff are kind and helpful. My neck and low back have been causing issues for years. I have seen him twice and I feel amazing. Tension in my back is gone, I can move my neck, I feel amazing. His approach is more than just an adjustment to its total wellness including massage, foods that affect me, even certain thoughts! I feel great and learned a lot about myself and what I need for me in the process. Thank you!!"

Duke D.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor has been a huge help. Growing up as an athlete I had various aches and pains throughout my adult life and have gone to quite a few chiropractors. Some are like factories. Dr. Taylor sat me down and listened to my story, offered encouraging words, and then developed a treatment plan using a number of different tools and techniques- hydro bed, adjustment, laser, massage,...- to deal with the root of the problem.

We even talked about vitamins and general diet. The office atmosphere is both professional and peaceful. There is no sense of hurry. I am happy to recommend Dr. Taylor to anyone seeking real help for physical pain."

Ali C.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is absolutely amazing! A friend recommended him to help me with some pain issues I was having and he took fantastic care of me! He is very thorough and professional and takes time to listen to you. He worked within my budget and did everything he could to get me on the right track to recovery.
I cannot recommend him enough!!!!"

Monica A.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is very kind and awesome!! He is the best. I feel great after each adjustment!! I Highly recommend Dr. Taylor!!"

Debra S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I came in to see Dr. Taylor with terrible foot pain. I did not know where the cause was coming from. Dr. Taylor did an exam and sent me out for x-rays instead of just jumping in and treating. We found a bone spur on the x-ray, which was terribly painful, and on the scale of 1 to 10 the pain was a 9/10. I had the treatments of the Tesla max and the circulation massage and now the pain is gone.

The pain went from a 9/10 to a 1/10 very rapidly and now I would say it is a 0/10. I'm not limping anymore, I'm feeling great. In fact, I went on a 30-minute walk yesterday, thinking I was going to pay the price today and still felt NO PAIN!

The other treatment that I received from Dr.Taylor which was a great help to me was the balloon treatments in the nose. I have been able to tell immediately that it is working as sinus drainage is better and mucus has become much less. My vision was improved within 20 minutes of the treatment, I felt an immediate change in my vision and the room was brighter.

A few more hours later that night I also felt a clearness in my mind and in my thinking which I have not had in a long time. The first treatment was a little bit unsettling but now I am used to it and I actually look forward to more. So all the treatments that I've received from Dr.Taylor's office have been very, very helpful.

I've also been losing weight, which is the first time that I've been able to do so in years, and I'm very excited about that. Thank you, Dr. Taylor."

Lisa M.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I'm so happy that I found out about Dr. Taylor, he really has helped my family and I with several chiropractic issues. I was having back pain for years so I decided to give chiropractic a try. When I got there I was greeted by the friendly, professional, and polite staff! The entire office had a very warm, positive, and professional environment and I immediately felt at ease.

After meeting with the Dr. I could tell that he puts his patients as a priority in his life and really tries hard to keep their health and well-being at an optimal level! He gave me a treatment plan that makes it very easy to book my appointment and affordable to come in. If you need someone who is going to treat you right and give you the care you need I would highly recommend the Dr. and his staff!"

Winona L.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Derek has helped me with many problems over the past 26 years. I have always been medically oriented and he has shown me how the body has an amazing ability to heal itself once it is in balance. He knows what he is doing. I had problems with my GI tract and he told me what the problem was before the colonoscopy was performed. I also saw him work on three nurses in my hospital room and they were all better afterward."

Anna H.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Was having problems with back pain and Dr. Taylor was highly recommended by a friend. I am so glad I went in! His staff are friendly and professional and every time I leave his office I'm pain-free. Would recommend to my closest family and friends."

Danny D.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"My wife encouraged me to go and see Dr. Taylor a couple of years ago. After witnessing how much he had helped her, I couldn't say no. I was extremely impressed by how much care and attention he gave his patients. It definitely felt that he was invested in how I felt and wanted to go after any and all health problems I was having.

Fast forward a couple years, our family is healthier than we've ever been and we have Dr. Taylor to thank for this. If you're looking to improve your health and want a knowledgable, honest, and attentive care provider, Dr. Taylor is without a doubt your guy."

Aileen P.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is a huge blessing! He listens to me when I tell him what's going on with my body and I always feel great after an adjustment. I also benefit from the deep tissue work on the areas that need it. He is very knowledgeable about food allergies/sensitivities, supplements, diet and nutrition. I HIGHLY recommend this Dr."

Christine M.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I would definitely recommend Dr. Taylor for someone whose never seen a chiropractor or is looking for a good one. I have never had a chiropractic adjustment and I was actually a little afraid of them since I have heard horror stories about them but not anymore!

Dr. Taylor definitely helped me in identifying a problem I had no idea that I ever had and it was pretty amazing to see him work. The office also had a really good calming energy that was really relaxing and soothing during the procedure. If you really want someone who knows what he's doing gives him a call and set up an appointment today!"

Mark G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have been going to Taylor Chiropractic on and off for many years. Let me share my most recent experience with the AMAZING Dr. Taylor. I was involved in a car accident last Friday. It was late afternoon on Friday and there was no way to make it to his office before closing. Dr. Taylor waited more than an hour after closing to make sure that I received the necessary treatment to help speed my recovery.

Not only did he stay late on Friday, but he came in early Saturday morning for a second treatment to accommodate my schedule. I am so grateful that Dr. Taylor really cares about his patients. I highly recommend Taylor Chiropractic & Laser Center."

Susannah H.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor helped restore my 8-year-old dog's health after anaphylactic shock from an allergic reaction. He gave her adjustments and laser-treated her liver to rid the toxins. He also suggested changing her diet to gluten-free, organic-based dog food, which she loves! Now her hives are gone, and her energy is back!"

Brittany J.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is super nice and really cares about helping people. Taylor Chiropractic & Laser Center is located inside the South End Club and I used to be a receptionist there. Dr. Taylor always had a smile on his face and he has the friendliest people working with him. He was always so caring and professional. I would definitely recommend him to friends and family."

Dave M.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Being a competitive powerlifter for several years I went through a lot of chiropractors. A fellow lifter recommended Dr. Taylor several years ago and I have never sought out anyone else for chiropractic services since then. Dr. Taylors handle all my adjustments, deep tissue, massage, stress relief, and nutritional needs as well as his friendship.

My whole family sees him regularly for various reasons and greatly reduced our need to see medical doctors. His staff is professional and friendly. The office is neat and clean. I highly recommend Dr. Taylor to anyone who seeks to improve their well being."

Elinka K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I had a medical procedure done at the hospital recently. The neck was bothering me from lying in bed with two pillows. Dr. Taylor was visiting from out of town and worked on my neck. It feels less stiff and painful now. I can move it a lot better."

Pejman T.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"It's hard to find a Chiropractor who knows what he's doing. I told him that I have a knot that I can't get rid of and he told me that he uses different techniques that would resolve the issue. I spoke to Dr. Taylor several times over the phone and he took his time answering all my questions, which most doctors do not.

Looking forward to treating at his office! The staff also seems very nice over the phone. One of the things that I liked most is that they are a paperless office which is great! I was able to do everything online. I will write an update once I get adjusted."

Kay G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is definitely a 5-star Chiropractor. He is the most honest and caring person you will ever meet. If he can't help you he will tell you. You can tell he really cares about his patients. I would highly recommend anyone that was having any
kind of a pain to see him, before doing anything drastic."

Phil H.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"It had been a while since I checked in with Doctor Taylor and his friendly staff. As always, they treated me and my issues with kind concern and patience. The treatments I received were effective in relieving the discomfort in my knee and general aches and pains. The analytics and treatment plan options Dr. Taylor provided gave me a sound basis for future decisions. Well done again Taylor Chiropractic & Laser Center!"

Ali M.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"The Chiropractic visit was excellent. Dr. Taylor assisted me at the Rolling Hills Estates The Hills Are Alive 10K before and after the race. He was able to let me fill out paperwork. He gave me important information and some items for visiting."

Navid H.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Doctor Taylor took great care of me! I was in great hands with him and you all will be too!"

Matt B.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I've never seen a chiropractor before and this was my first time going to one. Dr. Taylor is super nice and knows what he is talking about. He corrected my back and shoulders and put my vertebrae back into the correct spot. It was super helpful and will definitely stop by again."

Sadegh S.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I visited Dr. Taylor for low back pain. I received a state of the art treatment including even laser pain control. All the procedures were performed by Dr. Taylor himself. I would highly recommend him for any kind of Chiropractic treatment."

Paul K.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I so appreciate Dr. Derek Taylor for his heart of compassion and his commitment to Excellence! He always gives his best when he treats me. He always gives 150%! Thank you, Dr. Taylor!"

Chris G.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"Dr. Taylor is the nicest guy ever!"

Fran P.
Chiropractor Torrance CA Stars

"I have chronic knee and back problems and have gone to a lot of chiropractors over the years. Derek Taylor is a unique chiropractor (a healer, I think) in that he uses traditional adjustments but also a lot of deep tissue work and lasers. He and his staff are wonderful to work with and his office is fully automated which greatly helps with ongoing care and appointments.

I have also been taking a few supplements he recommends and they have helped my overall health. Best of all, he and my orthopedist have a working relationship that helps with the overall treatment. I can't recommend Dr. Taylor enough. The frosting on the cake each visit is a 10-minute hydro-bed massage, but he also has two masseuses on staff if a patient requires that. I highly recommend Dr. Taylor."