Yesterday afternoon my daughter, McKenna, suggested we go to the beach as a family.
We all thought it was a good idea, so we packed in the van like sardines and on the way I asked her, "What made you think of going to the beach today."
She said, "I feel better when I get in the sun and it's been a while since we've been to the beach as a family."
It got me thinking about when we first arrived in Florida when I went to the beach at least three times a week minimum, but then things started getting busier at the practice so I stopped going.
Unfortunately, this is often the pattern of drifting away from good habits that keep us healthy and energized.
It has been months since I've last been to the beach. I can't tell you how good it was to see that beautiful aqua blue ocean and sit on the sand with the family and conversing for a few hours.
We all came back feeling very relaxed and rejuvenated.
While we were there we all said to each other, "Why did we stop doing this? We need to get here more often."
Sometimes, we can let the tyranny of the urgent get in the way of doing some of the simpler & meaningful activities in life.
My wife and I were able to have an unhurried, insightful conversation, discussing what we wanted to focus on in 2023.
What about you?
What would you like to focus on doing more of in 2023 that is going to have a greater impact on your life and the lives of others?
Having good health allows you to enjoy the quality of life you desire and gives you the ability to serve those around you.
Over the past 30 years of practice, I have discovered that my most productive and healthiest patients have this in common:
- They spend time doing some type of exercise/physical activity outdoors.
- They eat and drink with a healthy balance in moderation.
- They are socially connected with others.
- They have a cheerful disposition with a positive outlook on life.
- They are always learning and improving when it comes to taking care of their health.
What I love about the first few days in January is that you get a brand-new year to start over again.
If you've been neglecting your health the past few days, weeks, months, years or even decades, you don't have to keep doing the same thing over again, but can begin anew and get on a pathway that will lead you in a more fruitful destination than where you were before.
Have a GREAT first week of the year!
Dr. Derek 'More Beach Time in 2023' Taylor
P.S. - Are you or a loved one noticing discomfort in your knees? Have you had knee surgery, injections, or trauma to your knee at some point in the past? Would you like to improve the longevity of your knees? If you answered, 'Yes' to any of the questions above, you don't want to miss out on our first Knee Workshop of the year: "How to Eliminate Your Knee Pain, without the use of Drugs, Injections or Surgery!"
When: Tuesday January 17, 2023 @ 6:00PM
Where: Taylor Chiropractic & Laser Center 11382 Prosperity Farms Rd. #225 Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Why: To learn how to improve the longevity of your knees, reduce levels of pain and get back to doing the activities/hobbies you love to do most without having to resort to drugs, injections, or surgery. If your knees could talk, they would beg you to go to this workshop:)
RSVP by calling the office at (561) 867-1020 to reserve your seat.